
School Photos - Opening Day
A little girl holds her pink backpack and stands on the rainbow steps outside Johnson on the first day
A dad stands proudly with his daughter and son on the first day of school
A family smiles on the rainbow steps outside Johnson on the first day
Families walk down the halls of Johnson on the first day
A boy gives a giant hand cutout a high five outside Johnson
School Photos - First Responders Luncheon
Johnson Primary K-3 held our First Responders Luncheon, extending invitations to first responders from the community including Drexel Heights, Pima County Sheriff's Department, Pascua Yaqui, and Tucson Unified School Safety. The event featured artwork made by students, poetry written and read by student council members and of course a delicious lunch provided by Johnson's PTO, expressing gratitude for their dedication to community safety. Thank you, first responders, for your service!
A Pima County Sheriff deputy shakes a student's hand.
A group of four students read off their clipboards.
A Pima County Sheriff deputy holds up a survival bag kit for first responders.
A Drexel Heights Fire Department firefighters shakes a student's hand.
A Pima County Sheriff deputy and TUSD School safety officer talk with two students.